In the book world, I convinced myself that I really wanted to tackle a classic, and I knew which one it was going to be. I was very excited to check out Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy and it wasn’t a hard book to start. It is becoming a hard book to continue reading, though. It has nothing to do with the story, I am very interested in what is happening so far. And that language isn’t too…classic-y. I know it is practically sacrilege in the world of literature to say that I can’t get through a classic novel because I have a hard time navigating the story through all the curves and twists of the classic language. But it is true. I have difficulty enjoying the story if I can’t relate to the words and dialogue, no matter how much I may relate to the story itself. Example: Little Women. I fell in love with the story when I was a kid, because the version I read was written for kids. I then fell in love with the movie. But when I tried to read the original version, I found that I wasn’t loving the characters as much as I know that I do and I didn’t like that. I have since returned Anna Karenina to the library because I realized I could download it for free on my Kindle and not have to worry about renewing my library book. I truly hope to finish it before the movie comes out.
While at the library returning Anna Karenina, I picked up Celebrity in Death by J.D. Robb, the new book in one of my favorite series. Blew through that in a week and then picked up Explosive Eighteen by Janet Evanovich, a new book in a different series., and finished that in a few days. I highly recommend both!
In the meantime, I finally caved and bought Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L James for my Kindle, instead of waiting on the long list for it to be my turn to get it from the library.
I look forward to reporting, on Friday, my favorite things about this week J