My local library had a book fair this weekend and I was so thrilled that I found out about it! As I have mentioned before I love book stores but I hate spending money on these expensive books that I'm most likely only going to read once. And I love libraries, but it sucks to have a time limit on books, plus having to to wait for a checked out book to come back. So book fairs are the best of both worlds! Super cheap books. There were people with gigantic shopping bags full of books. I can't buy anything that I don't know I will like...not exactly a risk taker. But I managed to walk away with 4 books for a grand total of $2.50.
I mean seriously, does it get any better?
Here are my purchases:
This was the first book that I stumbled across.
I know that I have strayed a bit from my original
intention of reading through Oprah's book list,
but I try to find them at book stores. Generally,
I buy them for cheap, read them, then end up
donating them back to a library at some point.
The gift that keeps on giving. I have never heard
of this book before, so hopefully it's good.
I was particularly excited to have spotted this book
next, as I had actually planned on buying it. I read
this book at camp a long time ago and I remember
loving it, even though I don't actually remember what
the story is about. I love that about books, that the
feelings about a book last longer than the memories
of the book itself. Sort of like muscle memory.
I never had any interest in reading this book,
though I remember it being at the top of the
bestseller list for a long time. I figured that
it must be good and for $.50, I figured it
was completely worth it.
Now don't laugh, or scoff, or gasp, or roll your eyes.
I know that this book is completely outdated at this
point and that there are many later additions. I know that
I am not pregnant at this point. But I knew I would eventually
buy this book when I did become pregnant, so I figured I
should buy it now for 2 quarters instead of later for $20+.
I stared at it for a while, not sure if I should actually go through
with it, until I saw the sweet inscription on the inside cover. A
woman gave this book to another woman and wrote about how
excited she was that they would be "sharing something so miraculous together."I just thought this would be worth saving.
I wish I could have stayed in the room longer to look at everything more closely, but at this point, I was sneezing my brains out because of all the dust in these old books. I think I made out pretty well. And I have 2 boxes filled of books in the back of my car that I need to donate to the library for the next book sale!
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